Pro Tips Busy Weekends

Do your homework.

Important Dates

Make sure it’s not a holiday or festival weekend. If so, prices for hotels, clubs, and restaurants will all be exponentially more expensive. Secondly, all the best spots will be overcrowded. Clubs that are otherwise doable become unreasonably priced, hotel prices surge, and transportation becomes very difficult. So to help, here is a list of holiday/event weekends that you should be aware of when choosing dates for your party:

February 13 - 17 - The Miami International Boat Show 
 February 22 - Wine & Food Festival 
 March - College Spring Break 
 March 6 - 15 - Miami International Film Festival 
 March 24 - 26 - Ultra Music Festival 
 May 21 - 25 - Urban Music Week 
 December 3 - 6 - Art Basel 
 December 25 - Christmas 
 January 1 - New Years 

It’s still possible to come on any one of these weekends, it just might be less enjoyable and definitely more expensive.