Automatic and manual time-tracking finally united

Stressless timekeeping became a reality

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30 days trial · macOS 10.13 and up
Timetrack Pro


Timetrack Pro tracks the time for you — configure a few rules and see the magic happen.

Step 1

Configure Rules

You can tell Timetrack to automatically start the timer when you work on your project-file, launch a particular application or visit a website. Combine rules to achieve full autonomy.

Step 2

Start working to activate the rules

Timetrack starts tracking time as soon as the rules apply for a particular task. Done with the work or moved on to something else? Timetrack will notice that and pause the timer.

Get the Timetrack Pro Trial

See how auto-tracking can improve your workflow

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30 days trial · macOS 10.13 and up

What else is there?


The most powerful and flexible reports will equip you with the possibility to access previously tracked time and filter it by date ranges or projects. Monitor how you worked within a week by checking the chart or list view.

Flexible task structure


Organize your tasks the same way you organize files and folders inside the system.


Done with a task or project — archive it without losing the time nor the ability to bring them back.


A list of your most recently tracked tasks makes it super quick and easy to go back to the place where you left off.

No distractions

The timer gets out of your way and always stays just a click away in the menubar. You can also have a quick glance to check how much time you already spent and not lose the focus.

Adaptive display

Configure what you want to see inside the menubar. Choose from a variety of presets and select the one that fits you.

Light or Dark

The menubar display adjusts according to the system mode, to deliver the best possible viewing experience.

Works offline

Timetrack works everywhere. It doesn't matter if you are in an office or on an airplane. You will never lose a second just because there is no internet connection.

Intelligent Import

It is really easy to bring your existing data to Timetrack. Import a CSV-file and let Timetrack automatically recognise your data and its format. Accept the import and proceed to work where you left off.

more coming soon

Automatic backups

Never worry about losing your data. Timetrack creates automatic backups and equips you with the control to recover any previous data.

Choose what is right for you

Download on theMac App Store
Price may vary in your country
Standard features
  • Mac OS desktop app
  • Powerful reports
  • Unlimited task management
  • Inteligent Import
  • Automatic backups
Timetrack Pro
One-Time Purchase
Get Timetrack Pro
1 year of updates
Standard features
Automatic time-tracking
Coming soon
Timetrack Pro
Monthly Subscription
Start the Trial
30 days free trial
Standard features
  • Mac OS desktop app
  • Powerful reports
  • Unlimited task management
  • Inteligent Import
  • Automatic backups
Standard features
Automatic time-tracking

That is where we're going


What is the difference between Timetrack and Timetrack Pro?

The main difference is the functionality to track time automatically. We call this feature Auto-tracking. The rest of the features are identical and have the same high standards that we try to bring into our apps. With this separation, we want to make the pricing model more flexible and provide our customers the option to pay for what they need. With time more PRO features will be added to Timetrack Pro.

What is auto-tracking and how can it improve my daily work?

Auto-tracking will start the timer for you without taking away your control over it. You just need to define a few rules for Timetrack Pro by which it will be guided. After that, Timetrack Pro will work completely autonomous — start and pause the timer depending on your behavior. Please write us an email if you've experienced issues with it.

Can I still use Timetrack Pro after my 1-year license ends?

Yes. Timetrack Pro will continue to work without any limitations — this is our promise to you. But for us to ensure the future development of the app, we can't provide you with further updates from that point on. We are giving an update option which you can purchase for $24.99 and get a 1-year worth of updates.

Why are you showing a monthly subscription option, but I can't subscribe to it?

This option is harder to implement and takes more time to develop. But you can download Timetrack Pro for free now and start the 30-days trial. By the time the trial ends the subscription option will be available as well.

A creation by Dylan George